Hello There! Iām Jordan Forge;

An engineer by trade and an artist at heart hailing from Kansas City, Missouri (the Kansas side, for you natives). I have found comfort in art since a young age throughout primary school, and did all I could to continue to practice informally on the side throughout my engineering education. After graduating from Northwestern in 2015 and returning to KC for work, I had a small handful of ideas and a whole lot of optimism pertaining to the work of other budding artists that I had found such comfort and inspiration in as a way to juxtapose the often-gray world of engineering.
For the first few years, I struggled to divorce myself from the purely paintbrush-and-canvas style present in the artists I idolized, and fell into a bit of a slump (okay, a big one). The few techniques and bit of color theory proved important; but it wasn't the grand explosion I had envisioned that would get me as excited about my work as I had been when I uncovered my various founts of inspiration throughout school. Without any tangible success to speak of in nailing down a process that was true to me or the yet-undefined white space I so desperately wanted to fill, I slowly found myself itching to connect past ideas for woodshop and DIY projects with the raw energy of the abstract art I had fallen so deeply in love with, but had previously lacked the space or the resources to attempt. Thus, I resolved to start chopping, pouring, lighting, and of course, painting, my way through my parents basement with whatever mad concepts popped into my head, even if they all ended up on the curb come trash day.
As far as those concepts themselves, I myself only have a tenuous grasp on the threads connecting the labyrinthine thought process, and will be the first to disclaim that most of the time I hardly can connect the dots myself; for now I only hope to capture ideas as they buzz in one ear and out the other, and scribble them down for future testing. However, I can assure you this is only the beginning of a long journey with many pieces big and small, elegant and chaotic, colorful and dark; I look forward to sharing with you any part of the ride that lends you the same inspiration or comfort art has given me thus far.